NGC 772 - Arp 78

Object: NGC 772: galaxy in Aries 10.3m, 7.2'x4.3' type SA(s)b Distance 30 Mpc

Subimages: 30 x 10s SD Mask combined after bias, dark calibration.
Scope: 16" Newtonian reflector, EFL~2000mm (f/5)
Mount: Fork equatorial mount
Camera: ST7EI (0.93"/pixel) set to -9C oriented N left, E down
Guiding: none
Acquisition and Processing: MaxIm DL/CCD v3
Imaged on: Oct. 5, 2005

Combine: SD Mask, Frame Align=Auto star matching, Bicubic resampling.
Background flattened manually.
Cropped left side due to left over gradient.
FFT filter: low pass default settings.
DDP: bgd=115, mid=119, no filter