NGC 1569 - Arp 210
Object: NGC 1569: galaxy in Camelopardalis 11.2m, 3.7' x 1.8' type IBm;Sbrst. Distance
7 Mly, closest star burst galaxy to the Milky Way.
Scope: C11XLT with C6.3FR, EFL=1590mm (f/5.7 effective)
Mount: Losmandy G11 with Gemini L4
Camera: ST7EI (1.17"/pixel) set to -25C oriented at 3d57' (N up, E left)
Guiding: SX716 camera on a Taurus Tracker III OAG. Exposure time 1 sec.
Acquisition and Processing: MaxIm DL/CCD v4.5
Imaged on: Nov 22, 2006
Combine: SD Mask, Frame Align=Auto Correlation, Bilinear resampling.Background flattened manually with ~ 40pts.
DDP: bgd=715, mid=950, filter=Kernel Low Pass More.
Created second DDP image in parallel with same settings but no filter. Then used Levels command with gamma stretch (=1.4) and white point set to 90000 to equalize the background and star gradient with the first DDP image.
Clone: Replaced 16 brightest stars with stars from unfiltered DDP image.
Edit Pixels: Fixed bloom on brightest star.